Our Process
EGC is different from other thermal management companies. Yes, we have creative engineers with deep expertise in material science and a wealth of engineering experience. Yes, we have sophisticated, cutting-edge technologies that easily outperform conventional heating methods. And, yes, we offer both standard configurations and custom solutions built around your specific requirements and thermal demands.
Built to Be Flexible
But EGC’s real advantage is that our process – and entire company – was built to be flexible. As a result, we can respond faster. Offer quicker turnarounds. Accommodate small to high volumes, and long to short runs. On stock products, as well as tailored solutions.
Whatever It Takes
You see, our goal is simply to engineer a better product for you. Whether that involves enhancing your existing system or building a new product from the ground up, our solutions-based process is focused on improving your application by improving the technology used to create it. So, where do you want to start?
If you’re not sure, that’s OK, too. Just contact us at 440-285-5835 or email us, and we’ll figure it out together.
Ready to talk?
Call us at 440-285-5835, email us, or click below. Together, we can develop a fluid sealing or thermal management solution to meet your explicit needs. And possibly even some you haven’t even realized.

EGC Enterprises Inc.
140 Parker Court
Chardon, OH 44024
Phone 1-800-EGC-0211 (U.S.A. only)
or 440-285-5835
Fax 440-285-8337
Email | egc@egcgraphite.com
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