VMA/VRC 83rd Annual Meeting October 6-8th 2021
EGC is excited to be attending the first in-person VMA/VRC meeting of 2021 located in Scottsdale Arizona at the Hyatt Andaz on Oct. 6-8th.
The Annual Meeting is the association’s premier event open to members only, which delivers unparalleled networking, discussion and analysis of the most important external and internal issues being faced, and how they affect the valve industry.
This year’s format will follow a similar format of past years, with morning sessions featuring well-renowned speakers on the most pressing industry topics, and afternoon and evening networking activities. Leaders are also recognized for their contributions to the VMA and the valve industry with various awards at the Gala Dinner, which closes out the event on Friday evening. The Annual Business Meetings of VMA and VRC will also take place, and a spouse/guest program is also offered. To learn more visit: https://www.vma.org/page/AnnualMeeting
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EGC Enterprises Inc.
140 Parker Court
Chardon, OH 44024
Phone 1-800-EGC-0211 (U.S.A. only)
or 440-285-5835
Fax 440-285-8337
Email | egc@egcgraphite.com
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