What would you pay to have an All-Pro on your team?
An athlete who throws more touchdowns or makes more tackles is worth more, right? What we see is the performance on the field and the contract that rewards it. What we don’t see is all the hours of effort that athlete puts in behind the scenes to make that...
It’s shaped like a lifesaver. And sometimes, it actually is one.
The call came to EGC on Thursday, November 29 from Universal Plant Services (UPS), a project management, maintenance and repair service for the energy industry. They were doing maintenance at an oil refinery and couldn’t get a pressure seal for a Flowserve Edwards...
Out of Round? No Problem!
A valve was over-pressurized in a west coast nuclear power plant. It led to an extreme condition called out-of-round in the pressure seal cavity. They called the manufacturer but there was no way to machine the cavity back to accepting a metal seal. And, it would...
A Thanksgiving Day Pressure Seal delivery made all the difference for Industrial Valve and South Mississippi Electric Power.
Industrial Valve Sales and Service of Mobile, Alabama does valve repairs for a host of power generation, refining, and pulp and paper plant facilities. During the week of Thanksgiving, they were doing routine maintenance during a plant outage at South Mississippi...
Stem packing and gaskets: The VSG equivalent of “would you like fries with that?”
Engineering makes EGC the premier manufacturer of Thermafoil® flexible graphite pressure seals. Our VSG seals are designed for your specific application, superior to conventional metal seals and can ship in 48 hours or less. Just provide the dimensional data from your...
We tested the heck out of it. So did a nuclear plant. And the US Navy. And it passed with flying colors.
How do you know the VSG high-density graphite pressure seal will never leak, save tons of man-hours and can be delivered in 48 hours or less? You have to go back to the early 1990’s with a nuclear public electric power utility called Arizona Public Service (APS). One...
Seals in all sizes. And engineering expertise to match.
When Rob Garlock, our lead pressure seal design engineer, looked at the valve print he couldn’t believe his eyes. This wasn’t anything close to a typical pressure seal, which usually measures somewhere between 4 to 24 inches. This pressure seal was 45 inches in...
So easy to install, it makes “piece of cake” look complicated.
Installation of a VSG high-density graphite pressure seal is SO easy because it’s compressible and conformable. So, it can work in oversize, out-of-round, steam cut and pitted bonnet cavities. And, there’s hardly ever a need for welding, grinding or re-machining....
Easy to install. Easy to remove. Take that metal seals!
Yes, a VSG graphite pressure seal is a retrofit for any metal seal. Yes, it’s conformable and compressible and handles thermal cycles time after time. Yes, it can be delivered to your door in no more than 48 hours. BUT, do you know how easy it is to remove from the...
The Powell Valve. Precision for a new ball-game.
The William Powell Company has been making gate, globe and check valves since 1846. They serve markets like petrochem, pulp and paper and power generation all of which are very high pressure. And, there’s something unique that’s found on high-pressure Powell valves,...
As any pro athlete knows, rings are better in bunches.
You’ve removed the valve bonnet and replaced the metal seal with a brand new, VSG pressure seal. But what about the stem packing? You’ve got to replace that too, right? Most repair guys go to their truck and get out braided packing. Then, they cut every ring by hand,...
Valve orientation. Even if gravity is not on your side, EGC is.
If you’re working on an upright valve, you’ve got many things working in your favor. The first is gravity. From a vertical orientation, you can be pretty sure that gravity will help the bonnet OD and the body ID align a whole lot easier. The bonnet can be...
The Backing Ring. Sound Sealing Sense!
There is nothing worse than a pressure seal leak or blowout in a plant when it is running. So, it is important to understand the key factors when replacing one in the field. Our Engineering team has spent three decades designing various graphite pressure seal...
From out-of-round to in-a-jiffy
You’re doing maintenance on a check valve and repairing the seat. So, you’ve removed the bonnet to get to the trim and find the pressure seal cavity is damaged. Now your work has doubled. But when every minute is money, how do you make sure you’ve got the right...
Yes, a seal that’s softer than metal can also be tougher than metal.
Once upon a time, a metal pressure seal was a standard component for every high-pressure valve manufactured worldwide. But when power plants began cycling multiple times a day and going longer between outages, it changed the whole ball game. Metal can’t take...
Let us help you seal the deal
If you’re a valve repair and maintenance customer and you bought the VSG graphite pressure seal during the spring outage, we want to thank you for your business. But maybe, you haven’t purchased yet and still have some doubts about how severe service graphite pressure...
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EGC Enterprises Inc.
140 Parker Court
Chardon, OH 44024
Phone 1-800-EGC-0211 (U.S.A. only)
or 440-285-5835
Fax 440-285-8337
Email | egc@egcgraphite.com