32 custom designed VSG or VSG Pro pressure seals, shipped in a single day? Been there, done that.
When it comes to shipping the same old off-the-shelf graphite pressure seals, day-after-day, 32 is a pretty insignificant number. But, when you have to custom engineer every single one of those 32 seals AND they must be shipped on the same day, that’s a compelling...
We call it “flexible graphite” for a reason.
Graphite has qualities that make it a great choice for manufacturing applications. Those qualities include its reaction to extreme temperatures and its ability, given the right engineering, to be flexible. Mineral graphite is chemically treated to enhance...
Keep valve stems sealed, no ifs, ands or bolts about it.
Live-Loaded packing is a methodology for maintaining steady pressure on a specific gland force that is caused by thermal cycling, pressure surges, packing relaxation, wear or extrusion. EGC has developed a data sheet for all valves providing assistance in accumulating...
VSG Pro. The RX for Steam-Cut or Pitted Valves
There are two problems that happen with a metal pressure seal that will never happen with high-density graphite… steam-cuts and pitting. Pitting is corrosion. It’s caused by placing a metal seal in a very moist, highly pressurized valve. The corrosion can be seen all...
Compression Packing applications, from small space to outer space
In our previous article, we discussed the origins of compression packing, materials, and processes used in its manufacture and important considerations when choosing packing. As we noted there, compression packing is an incredibly versatile sealing solution. Here, we...
Compression packing, a look beyond the standard stuffing box.
Everyone is familiar with stem packing. The most common type is braided compression packing. Braided packing is used in a wide range of applications. Depending on the service, construction materials can be as diverse as plants or animal derivatives, mineral fibers or...
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EGC Enterprises Inc.
140 Parker Court
Chardon, OH 44024
Phone 1-800-EGC-0211 (U.S.A. only)
or 440-285-5835
Fax 440-285-8337
Email | egc@egcgraphite.com